Hard, Harder, Hardest

Every day, I have, amidst normal life, three things I have to do.

  • Read my Bible for 15 minutes.
  • Write the blog.
  • Burn 2200 calories.

~ One is hard.

~  One is harder.

~ One is hardest.

Can you guess which is which?

They are actually in order of easiest to most difficult.

Suddenly, reading my Bible for 15 minutes is the easiest of the three.  Just sit down, pick up the Bible and read. This is not difficult! It doesn’t burn many calories, but it’s easy and fruitful. I love it.

Writing the blog requires thought. What shall I write about today? Hmm, I haven’t done the blog….better forgo that afternoon snooze on this 36C summer heat. Let me start with a blank page and get writing. While reading the Bible requires discipline, it does take much effort. Writing every single day requires discipline as well, but when I don’t know what I’m going to write about, it’s very hard and certainly a lot harder than reading the Bible.

But it’s number 3 that is by far and away the hardest. Burning 2200 calories take a LOT of effort.  I really don’t HAVE to do it, but the default setting on my fitbit is set to 2200 calories. I could have changed it, but the challenge was too much. There are other goals it has set for me as well (the little numbers on the right)…

Fitbit stats for 30th Dec 2015

In the light of 10 000 daily steps, 8km of walking, climbing 10 floors and being active for 30 minutes, burning 2200 calories a day eclipses the lot! In burning that number of calories all the other goals immediately fall into place.

Everything you do in life takes discipline. All the grotty chores you don’t feel like doing – they have to be done. It’s best to get them over with asap. A great deal of accomplishment follows. I’ve often thought that burning 2200 calories is just not sustainable, but then I’ve wondered why….why not choose this instead…

Give it your all

Let me give it my all and as far as it depends on me to try and burn 2200 calories every day. It means about 1.5 hours of walking every day. It’s certainly taking my exercise regime to the next level.

This morning I got up at just after 6am and walked nearly 6km. It’s a great way to start the day. When I was on air on CCFm, I used to tell myself that one day when I was no longer working 6-9am, I would get up early and use that time to walk. It took me 18 months, but I eventually started doing just that.

We teeter on the edge of a new month. February tomorrow. What goal can you set that is good and profitable for your life? I completed January. I wrote the blog every day. I read my Bible every day. I walked every day. I may not have quite burned 2200 calories every day, but I tried. Working 9 hours in a day will ambush my walking plans, but I give it my all and hope for the best. I’m feeling fitter than I have been for a year and I feel it’s a great sense of achievement.

There may be a day or even two in February where I can see it’s going to be difficult to get the walking in and even possibly get the blog written. Two Sundays I will be working out of town and to try and get the blog done remotely may be a stretch, but I’ll give it my all and see what happens. Usually, when I’m determined, it gets done. Perhaps that will happen.

It’s going to be a full exciting month.

Romans 12:2

Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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