Fuming Feathered Father Freaks Out!


Funny how small things can impact the day! But let’s start at the beginning – early morning on the CCfm balcony is amazing. With rain on its way to Cape Town, there was plenty of cloud about…

It never ceases to amaze me that a small (only 3 mpix) cell phone camera can produce such photos. This was taken at 5-55am!

I had a good morning and ended it at Riana’s having a (yummy) light lunch with Joshua’s amazing cappuccino which he decided was really a flat white…either way the barista came up with this…

Yum! It was really good! Thanks Josh! 🙂

As I was leaving, Riana said, “Come and have a look at this.” She took me to the edge of their parking area and pointed out two bird’s eggs laid by a resident ‘dikkop’.

I saw the mom run away, but Furious Father started making a crazy noise, trying to warn us off his prized possession. He also flared his wings, ‘nostrils’ blazing and eyes bulging…it was quite a threatening sight…

It certainly made you think twice before getting any closer. Good Dad! For those who are interested, it’s a Burhinus capensis (also known as spotted thick-knee or spotted dikkop).

And as the dikkop protects his young, so our Heavenly Father protects us.

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

He will never let us down. We are in His Grip!

Have a fabulous ‘rest of Wednesday!’

Love from Helga xx 🙂

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