Fighting is on Hold


Dear Elsie

Today was the day the cats returned to normal except the fighting is on hold. They still have a trace of the icky flea killer on their coats and they don’t want to engage in neck biting, head butting or ear scratching, not that they actually harm each other. They both still smell a little like super glue. But everyone is happy in the hood. Raiku went out today and I had a hilarious few moments watching him desperately trying to catch a butterfly. It led him on a merry dance and had him jumping and twisting to try get to it – all fruitless – completely outwitted by a moth!

The last couple of days have been hard on David. He’s had more than usual fatigue. He could be a lot worse, but this is so hard. It’s hard for us to see him like this and it’s hard for him to be like this. I wish, oh how I wish, I could swap places. Let me be the one with the struggle. If only I could take this burden from him. But that’s not how it works. It’s a horrible journey that  cannot be avoided. It’s a test in faith and a workout in resilience. What adds to the pain is he is off all dairy and sugar, so none of the things that may have bought comfort are on the list of food to eat. Even sugar-free cookies are off the snack menu.  Anyway, he keeps his sense of humour and has had friends visiting this week which is helpful. He’s gone upstairs to talk to Jack.

Meanwhile, the wall at the top of the stairs is coming along.

This is where the next stairs will go…

All built by Courage and Brian. Amazing how much, given time, can be achieved by just 2 strong men.

Psalm 148:1 – Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights above.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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