February Weather in September


That’s exactly what it’s been. Hot days in the first month of spring. Last night David messaged to say that after the red tide, there was bioluminescence in the sea at Fish Hoek. Having never seen it first hand, Mike and I took a drive down and joined dozens of other onlookers enjoying a very balmy evening. And we were not disappointed by this amazing display. This is what is looks like by day (Photo Cred : Cape Town’s Deep South) – also known as red tide.

By night, as the waves break, it results in a magnificent line of turquoise. It’s difficult to photograph – this is the best I could get – it comes out looking like luminous blue and is just incredible to see.

This is the online description…

The action of the waves produced this  spectacular glow throughout the length of the wave. It literally lit up the sea.  I’m so glad we went.

Today we woke to a hot berg wind blowing.  It was warm and sunny, a perfect day to wash towels.

Stacey phoned and David came. This evening we went to Peter and Riana for chilli con carne. Riana makes an excellent one!  And now the weekend is over.

James 1:5

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


I walked 6km – to Valy Land and back.


Day 299

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