Everyone Has Difficulties

“Everyone has difficulties” – that’s what I thought today as I did my morning walk. From outward appearances it seems some people have it all. They come from amazing families who display extravagant love and devotion to one another. Their lives show no signs of cracks or struggles. Money is no problem. Happy marriages abound. There are no issues.

It may seem like that to outsiders, but truth be told, everyone has difficulties. We would not be human if we didn’t.

Let me tell you some of the difficulties that have struck some people who I have randomly met, spoken to, read about or heard of. Some have affected me. Some have affected you.

Illness – horrible disorders that plague them daily, which they never talk about and may not even be life threatening – yet they are difficult to live with. Alzheimers comes to mind. It’s a difficult time when a family member struggles with this.

Past Failures – retrenchment, unemployment, businesses that didn’t work out. It’s very hard walking through a job failure.

Death – There are multitudes of people who we see who carry the pain of loss. Death comes to every family. Pets die. Grandparents die. Parents die. Spouses die. And devastatingly, children and babies sometimes die. The pain of death lessens over time, but the memory of an excruciatingly difficult time never leaves the mind of the sufferer.

Financial Loss – sometimes, you do the best you can and the money is just not there. It’s not lost to gambling or drugs – it’s just a hard time that robs you of the basics. Recovery may come, but living with too little is very difficult.

Relationship Pain – People often don’t tell you of painful relationships with which they have to suffer. Living with daily turmoil and tension is a difficult time.

Yet a lot of the time those who suffer don’t say a word.

They keep on going.

They don’t complain.

They remain cheerful.

They put on a mask.

They do the next thing.

They live the next day.

They look for the good in life.

They bury the pain.

You will never know about it.

Don’t ever look at someone else’s life and say ‘they have it all.’

They Don’t.

Dig deep enough, you will find something they struggle with now or have done in the past. Difficult times don’t last forever. They do pass. Someone once said you are either going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm!

Comparison is toxic.

Happiness comes from within.

When you have Christ in your heart – it’s not difficult to find that happiness and contentment is available through Him.

And that means you can be happy wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Tap into Him.

He’s got your back. He knows your pain. He knows your struggles. He knows the future. He’ll be there through your darkest hour and help you summit the highest peak.

Psalm 34:15

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry;

The Lord will calm you

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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