Dam Levels

This time last year, the water shortage in Cape Town was dire. The dam levels were only 24.5% full. We were carrying buckets to the toilet and using tank water for as much as possible. We had no idea of how wet the winter would be.

God knew though.

Angus Buchan predicted a God-sent end to the drought and although his timing was optimistic, he was not wrong. God sent rain. It fell intermittently and steadily. Not so much that there were floods. Not so little that it didn’t fill the dams. He sent the perfect amount. And today as I look at the dam levels, I am so very grateful. Sorry this is a pretty poor image, but this week they are 56%. Last week 57.4. In 2018, this week 24.5%. In 2017, 35% and in 2016 41.7%. By those standards 56% is good.

We can pray for healthy rains this winter and perhaps this time next year, we’ll have dam levels back up to 71% or even more.

I am enjoying showers and washing linen more often, that’s for sure. We are now allowed 105 litres each per day. There are three of us, including Stuart in the cottage. So we are not doing badly.

Cape Town drought is no longer and with all the thousands of tanks that people installed last year, many have now got contingency plans if water does run low again.

I am just so very grateful!

I slept really badly last night. I think it was the heat and the mosquitoes. I fell asleep around 10pm and woke up when Mike came up to bed (probably about half past midnight). I tossed and turned until at least  2am, but eventually did fall asleep and woke up at just after 6am. So I think enough sleep was had.

I’ve worked about 6 and a half hours today.

Tomorrow the engineer and the builder are meeting with the foundations specialist guy who does foundation piles. I don’t know who Geobond are but this is a good explanation of how foundation piles work…

Not an inexpensive exercise especially as our plot doesn’t look like the one above! We have to try get those through this slope.

It’s going to be an exciting year!

We will keep our sense of humour.

Psalm 8:4-5

What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour.

God is mindful of each one of us.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Pilates for about 55 minutes.


Day 99 – Tomorrow I will have an update.


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