Christmas 2019


We’ve had a wonderful Christmas Day.  It was great having the Swellendam family wake up with us and to sit in the lounge and watch Elsie playing with her toys. They have got her into such a solid routine. We went to the Fish Hoek Methodist church’s 8am Christmas Service where David was playing. Elsie sat quietly on Stacey’s lap, looking innocently at those beside and behind her. She is so cute.

We came home after, opened presents, finished the cooking and then sat down to eat. Afternoon was a time of recovery before we started eating again!

It’s been a lovely memorable day.

I got Polaroid exercise wireless ear buds for all my gym workouts. I also got my new 2020 diary with daily Bible verses. Stacey made me a top and bought me a couple of super gifts –  a once off purchased downloaded (so I can listen off-line) NIV cell phone Bible app with no adverts! I can read and listen off-line so I can listen on the plane and I can make notes. It’s called Bible by Tecarta. That’s going to be really helpful. The other thing she bought me is also fantastic subscription to Storyworth. Here is how it works:

So creative. I’m looking forward to getting those emails and replying to each one. Stacey has been busy – she also made new cushions for the bay window…

The other day when we were out with Julian, Mike admired a bowl, which Julian then bought. It was our Christmas present. This morning I opened it and expressed “surprise!”

What a joy today has been. My heart is full.

Hebrews 12:28

Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


No gym on Christmas day.


1 year and 42 days.

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