Bush Brew!

One of the most amazing ladies in our Ladies Group is one we don’t see often but who we are in contact regularly. Lynne Shaefer. Lynne and her family live as missionaries in Northern Zambia in a tiny town called Mbala. Coffee is grown in the area and so one of the projects they have taken on is roasting and selling it.

Their son Joel recently visited Cape Town and bought with him bags of the stuff. I had ordered a whole lot. When our coffee machine ran out, Mike said ‘should we try it?’ So we did.  Whoa! This stuff is g-o-o-d. Our favourite coffee is Woolworths Organic. This is better than that. I guess it is fresher. It is also stronger, so we have to be careful we go easy on the grind. It comes in a bag with the label and the bag design by Lynne….

It’s fabulous. I’ve told Lynne if anyone comes to Cape Town, I want more!

So that’s what has been waking me up in the morning! 🙂

#968 of my 1000 thanks is for my Bush Brew!

Last night Truffles came bounding upstairs and chilled out on the bed. She was very put out when I told her she was not going to be sleeping there all night long…but certainly one of my favourite photos of her…

She ended up going downstairs in a huff and slept down there. She certainly is better and I am so grateful for that as well.

Today’s been a semi productive day. I got 3 hours of work done…maybe a bit more. There is a lot of work for me to do. The company I work for has a learning portal on which teacher applicants can register. I always check the new registrants from South Africa. Most recently, we have started recruiting Indian and Filipino teachers. We have 2 Indian admin assistants on board and one lady from the Philippines that helps us with the teachers, but they don’t have access to our portal. So today, the MD set up a search option for every new person who registers on the system who is from India or the Philippines. I have to go through them and divvy them up between the three admin workers. When I ran the search there were 1024! Going through every one can possibly take me 5 minutes each. 12 an hour = 85 hours.  Gulp! I want work, now I’ve got it and I will embrace it with joy! Rubbing hands together. Let me get this blog wrapped up and get back to it.

Isaiah 66:2

I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my Word.

Let that be me.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gym – on Bush Brew, I was buzzing!

  • 12 minutes on the spinning bike
  • 30 minutes or maybe a bit more on Functional Fitness (8 exercises rotated through 6 times each.) Heart rate got up to 170.
  • 10 minutes on the bike.
  • A few other weights.


Day 17.

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