Birds on the Bottle

This is my daily entertainment. They arrive tweeting enthusiastically and flit from branch to branch before settling on the bottle.


They are spoiled for choice right now, because apart from the juice, there are seed balls which they peck away at and bits of seed fall onto the balcony, so others hop down there and peck up the leftovers. Add to that some ripening grapes and my balcony is turning into a open air aviary. It’s quite a treat. This morning, not only did the sunbirds pitch up for breakfast but their sweet tweets were drowned out by the deep husky growl of the awful starlings. I don’t like those. They are about 5 times bigger than the sunbirds and they teeter heavily on the frame of the seed container. Their mouthfuls are much bigger and they stay much longer. Interesting, the sunbirds are not afraid of them and I have had both the small birds and the big black starlings in close proximity with neither wanting to leave their spot!

Here’s a sunbird on the seed cage, with another flying away in the background…


I went back to work in earnest today and so I have had more than 6 hours sitting at my computer, with the company of my feathered friends coming and going behind me! I’m going to need to find out the exact names of them. While I call them sunbirds, there are a couple of different varieties that I am picking up on. Some have longer sharper beaks.

I’ve got a bit of eye strain now – my eyes haven’t had to squint at a screen so much for a month, so now they are protesting a bit. This actually brings me to the thing I found myself being thankful for today.

#151 of my 1000 thanks is for my reading glasses. I got a new pair the other week and they make life much more legible!

I feel I have been given an extra day this week. I keep thinking Monday was the 1st and that today is Wednesday. 🙂  I’m grateful for this day. Tonight we are going out for dinner with Julian and his friends. It’s an Italian restaurant – I’m back on Banting with the emphasis on eliminating sugar and having healthy fats like avo and olive oil. I should find something suitable tonight. But yay! for not having to cook or do dishes!

And so it has been a good day. I cannot complain!

Psalm 3:3

But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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