Being Able…


It’s been an interesting 24 hours mentally!  Something happened during yesterday’s blog when I wrote that I had decided to not complain for the rest of the year! It was like a burden was lifted, which is a bit strange. I think the reason was that I now had a solution to combat the main thing I feel warrants complaining. Instead of turning on the negative and spilling out the poison, I smile happily and churn out the unbelievably positive and insist 2014 is going to be brilliant!  The choice to focus on the good, has turned the ‘attitude’ into gratitude! Good Job!

And talking of gratitude, this is something I am privileged and grateful to being able to go and have lunch at Rhodes Memorial Restaurant with this as lunch…

Lunch….and this as the fabulous view…

ViewAlso grateful to not have to make dinner tonight! 🙂


1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

It’s easy to say, but it’s not always easy to do. Doing it is by making a conscious decision to stay positive and to give thanks in ALL circumstances. In my experience when you do, you actually begin to feel better and a lot more positive.

I’m looking forward to a chilled weekend. Right now though, teatime!

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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