Autumn Weather


Today was the day…

That was still and perfect and cool. The last couple of days have truly been autumn weather.  We went down to the beach and the tide was out…

It made for easy swimming to the drum. I swam back to the beach and then stayed just beyond the breakers and swam up and down parallel with the beach. Mike arrived and we had a little chat. He got out. I swam up and down again – 100 strokes one way – 100 strokes back and then I got out. The tide was lapping at the steps by the time we were done. When we got home, we were cold!

After 6 hours of work, later this afternoon, I walked to the shops to pick up a few groceries. On the way down I saw the red shark flag was out. I thought that was only put out when  a shark had been seen over the last two hours. I went to the shark hut and spoke to the guy on duty. He said when the trek fisherman are at work, with lots of fish, it may attract sharks so they put the red flag up. The trek fishermen were at work…

The red flag was up, hanging limp with not a breath of wind…

I quizzed the shark guy about the kind of sharks around and he said they hadn’t seen a great white for years. There were bronze whaler shark sightings off Muizenberg last week and the week before. I’ve gone and read up a bit about bronze whalers and found that they are mainly found in deep water (100m) and seldom attack humans. It seems there has only been one fatal attack by a bronze whaler and that was off Australia ten years ago. If they are spotted off our coast, the siren is activated and the water cleared.  One got caught in the Trek fishermen nets in December and was carefully let loose.

Wind will pick up tomorrow and drop again on Thursday.

Ecclesiastes 11:9

You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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