At Sea!

I woke a couple of times in the night and checked my cell phone for the position of the MSC Musica. It was still moored in Table Bay opposite Three Anchor Bay. Finally when I woke up at about 5-20am, I noticed it was moving. By 6-27am, it was happily berthed.   At last!

David picked us up a short time later and by 7-19am, we were in a V-E-R-Y long queue. With about 500 people ahead and 1000+ behind, we waited for the 2000 passengers to disembark so we could get on. I stood and chatted to those around. I sat and did a Sudoku. I walked to the nearby Mall to use the bathroom. I walked up and down the pier waiting, looking, hoping that soon the queue would start to move.

It finally did. After that things went very quickly and smoothly. The ship from the dock….

Seven minutes short of 5 hours after arriving in the queue, we arrived in our cabin!  This was the view over the harbour….

We rested for a little while. I figured out the internet and got it started.

Having not had breakfast, we set off in search of food and took a plateful back to our cabin. As we were finishing lunch, the ship’s siren went off, blaring loudly above us as we sat on the balcony. This was the call for the safety drill. We left our cabin and found Muster station C. As we walked in there were Pierre and Sharon Roux! Pierre goes back about 18 years in our lives. When Stacey was about 13, she started going on mission’s trips with a team led by Pierre. They were usually to towns in the Karoo. Stacey found a niche for herself on these trips, mainly handling the sound. She did them regularly. I always appreciated Pierre & Sharon’s input into her life. Visiting the Karoo always meant a braai with plenty of meat. Pierre says Stacey still holds the record for eating 24 lamb chops in one shot!

We had a good chat and will probably bump into them before we arrive in Durban. The emergency drill went by very quickly and no sooner was it over, the ship’s engines roared to life and we started to move. It was 13-45.

It didn’t take long before we were out at sea and seeing  Table Mountain from across the water…

It’s now nearly 4pm and about to round Cape Point. We are quite far out though and on the wrong side of the ship to see it, but what will happen is the wind will then be behind us.

I am very prone to sea sickness so have been sure to swallow two pills, one early this morning and one shortly before departure.  We are skimming the surface of the broad Atlantic. I’m feeling fine. So fine, that I may stroll up the gym which is just a floor up and a few steps down the passage. It’s not a vast gym, but it does have a bike. With all the standing today, I think a bit of cycle may go down well. Just thirty minutes perhaps.

James 1:17

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of those lights tonight…a bright starlit sky setting off our Father’s creation in inky splendour.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Maybe a 30 minute cycle.


Day 74.


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