A Word In Season

Do you know that people talk behind your back? Yes they do! And I think you will probably be horrified to hear that some of your closest friends talk about you to others. You know how I know? Because I have spoken about some of my closest friends to others as well. The things I say may not be bad, but I’m still talking about them.

Startling stuff.

Someone once made a rather nasty comment about me on Facebook, not expecting me to see it. I did. They were horrified and deleted it immediately, but the damage was done.

I have to say (to my discredit) that I harboured a bit of ire towards that person for far too long.

Here is a word in season:

Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

“Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you – for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.”

Sometimes we think way too much of what others say or think of us. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t like Facebook. It is rife with comments, spoken often in jest but the jest can’t be read between the lines.

Don’t be offended. Let it be water off a duck’s back.

Don’t pay attention to every word people say.

It’s just  not worth it.

God loves and accepts us, each one, warts and all, unconditionally. This does not mean He loves and accepts what we do or say unconditionally.

When we are grounded in Christ and enjoy His love and security, we need not worry about the none-acceptance of others.

God loves us.

Truth be told, everyone wants to be accepted. If we try and make that our goal in life, it will be easier for us to make friends and impact people in a positive way.

Think of how the other person you are speaking to is feeling and not what they may be thinking of you at that time. It will change the way you feel about the conversation you are having with them.

Our job is to try and love everyone unconditionally.

Romans 12:9 says Let love be without hypocrisy.

Let love be without hypocrisy

It’s not always easy but it’s a great goal to shoot for.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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