A Wonderful Swim


Dear Elsie

Today both you and I had wonderful swims! Your Mom sent me a video of you doing so well in the pool. You managed cross the pool using your board. Well done! I also had a lovely swim today. The sea was so flat. Having only started swimming regularly again this month, I was a bit out of condition but with calm ocean and very tiny waves, it was the perfect opportunity to swim to the barrel and then to the lighthouse and back. I’m not very fast.

The beach was looking magnificent as usual.The big news of the day is that the current holders of the Fish Hoek beach restaurant lease have lost it to new tenants. Apparently they have 6 months & then it will be taken over. The Eichel family have held this lease for decades. I remember celebrating CCFm’s 10th birthday dinner there, so that was in 2003. I don’t know how long they had it prior to that – possibly 10 years. Apparently, bidding for the monthly rental started at R50k and went up and up and up. People at the auction said it ended on a whopping R380k per month for a 20 year lease with the option to extend 10 years. Change is coming.

Our water is off today. Last night a water main broke up the road and there was a river pouring down the road this morning. We were up early to get drinking water to our guests. The council have dug up the pipe and are now looking for where the break is so they can fix it. Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer. I would enjoy a shower.

A quiet day at work. I have worked almost 5 hours.

Today was also a landmark day for Mike. He has spent the afternoon at an art class. He has always been very talented, so David bought him a voucher for art classes for his birthday in February and today he finally went for the first. I wait with great anticipation for his return after 5.

Raiku’s paw seems a little better, so we’ll wait for the weekend to pass before deciding on the vet.

I think I’ll go and have tea with David.

Isaiah 42:1
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx

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