A Storm Came Through


Today was the day…

A storm came through.  Look at some of those wind speeds.

Mud slides on De Waal drive in Cape Town (photo Cred: Cape Town Weather)

With the strong winds and heavy rain, Mike and I decided to take a walk to the end of Echo Rd to see if there had been any rock falls. At the very end, there were a few rocks on the road. As we walked away, suddenly there was another rumble and a few more rocks came down. In fading light I took a couple of photos…

I think it’s that the ground is saturated and soon gives way sending whatever rocks are about tumbling down. Fortunately most of them are small.

The wind has largely died down but it’s just started to rain again – the forecast for the days ahead is partly cloudy, but no rain until Monday.

Mike and I beat the weather this morning and went to the beach. The threat of the storm was seen in the clouds…

But we managed to get our exercise in. I swam in choppy waters to the barrel. It was easy swimming out there, but swimming back was rough with a lot of bobbing up down and rocking to and fro. Home, shower, breakfast, work.

I’ve just gone onto CNN and seen this report…quite a turn of events. We thought he would get a reprieve…

I think they want to send a message that no one is above the law. I doubt he will have to serve the entire 15 month sentence.

Psalm 105:4

Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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