A Great Little Piece of History

The other day when Julian and I stopped by a show house in Fish Hoek, I got into a brief conversation with the estate agent. I told them we had bought a house together (my brother and Mike &  I) – I said it was very small and mentioned the road. Estate agent Simon immediately knew the house. He said his grandparents had lived in that house and that he had very happy memories of it. He also said once a massive rock had fallen down the mountainside and plunged through the roof into the downstairs toilet. “Wow!” I was impressed. He said somewhere he had the newspaper article.

Today I opened my email and he had found the article and mailed it to me…

Quite fun to read. This incident happened nearly 58 years ago – I wonder if any other rocks have come tumbling down. The house was built around 1950.

It is hoped that one day we will build behind this house….which will be quite a job!

Look at this beautiful photo of Fish Hoek by www.seasidecottages.co.za

Quite a sight!

Psalm 102:18

 I am recording this so that future generations will also praise the Lord for all that He has done. And a people that shall be created shall praise the Lord.

Mike & I were talking this morning about time. If Jesus came about 6000 or so years after God created the earth and 2000 years have since passed, He may only return in 4000 years time! Think about that for a moment.

We are just a tiny dot in the midst of thousands of years. It makes me feel very small. Today on the back of a car I read something like, “As Christians we are not citizens of this world waiting for heaven – rather we are citizens of heaven journeying through this world.”

I’m not sure if this blog will in time, become like a floppy disc or an old tape recorder – a bit defunct, but I do like to think that it will hang around a bit for another 50 years or so.  David the Psalmist recorded words for the future generations, but I am sure he never imagined they would be so very far in the future.

I am part of that future generation – I am one of those people created to praise the Lord!

Be thankful for the small things. #281 of my 1000 thanks is for 40 winks that has absolutely refreshed me! What a treat!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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