Whenever it’s the 9th of the 9th, it’s Arnie Day. It’s the day my beloved brother passed away and today it’s 12 years ago. My siblings. Anne at about 5, Arnold on the right about 3 and Julian in the middle about 1. I was not yet born.
Never forgotten. I really look forward to seeing him in eternity.
I was thinking today of all those who have gone before. Is there a massive welcome party arranged? Do they gather as the day of homecoming approaches? Are plans made? Is there a hustle and bustle of heavenly beings talking together, preparing, arranging? Is there excitement? Do they know? Are they informed? Imagine if they do.
My Parents are both there. Arnold is there. Mike’s Parents, Two brothers in law – Derek and Brian. Aunty Wyn is there and Oupes. They are all people I have seen, spoken to and loved.
But there is One who I have spoken to and loved, but I have not seen. He will be there too. We don’t know what that will be like – meeting our Creator face to face. Our brain is too small to comprehend – our humanness limits us from coming close to imagining how it will be to meet Jesus. We cannot fathom it. Yet one day it will be. It’s pointless to try to struggle with the strange tension that comes with trying to think that through. Jesus will be there to meet us and because I believe in Jesus, I know that meeting will be beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. When I start to imagine it, I squirm and fidget. I am not worthy. I am limited to what I know here on earth and the transition to eternity is beyond my capacity to form a mental image of how that will work. I can’t imagine it, but I do know that fear will be replaced with perfect peace. Uncertainty will melt away in tumultuous love. All the negativity of earth that we live with on a daily basis will give way to everlasting joy.
Peace, love, joy.
All of them simultaneously and never-ending.
That’s something to look forward to. Seeing Jesus face to face is going to be beyond awesome.
Today was quiet as far as work goes. We ended up at Echo as there was an issue with the hot water cylinder valve. Water was running out a pipe. The plumber came and he will quote and fix it. It was good that today was quiet. I got up at around 3am to watch the end of the US Tennis open championships. Nadal won, but Medvedev certainly didn’t make it easy for him. After it was over, I slept until almost 8am!
Proverbs 9:9
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
Talking of learning, Stacey sent me a photo of Elsie’s first library…
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx
- 20 minutes of weight machines
- 50 lengths in the pool.
Day 300! Gaps appearing. He’s preparing for the jaw surgery.