9 Years Hanging Out 6-9am In The CCFm Studio


It’s been an amazing 9 years that have passed since I took up my role as the presenter for CCFm’s morning 6-9am Rise and Shine Show. As I think back over the last 9 years, there are a few things that jump out at me as lessons learnt. Here are 5:

1. God IS Faithful

God just never lets us go. In good times and hard; in happy times and sad, He is there to be our biggest Fan, to encourage, support, strengthen, inform, nurture, teach, discipline, humble and comfort. I’ll never forget waking up one morning feeling terribly miserable. As I cried  before the Lord, “I can’t do the show this morning – I just don’t have what it takes,” His Holy Spirit whispered into my mind, “Go to the Psalm of your age.” I was a few months away from my 47th birthday, so I started paging to Psalm 47, when I had a clear thought: “NO, Psalm 46.” I stopped at that Psalm and started reading it. I got to verse 5 and as I read it, tears streamed down my face …”God is within her, she will not fall, God will help her at the break of day.” God IS Faithful!

2. God Wants Us To Be Humble

It is not about me. It’s about God and the people who tune in on a daily basis. When I learnt that lesson and understood the importance of humbling myself daily, it was only then that I began to truly relax into the position . When I put God first and accepted His mandate for His Rise and Shine Show, allowing myself to only be the vessel He uses, I began to enjoy it more. I imagined myself as a musical instrument being played my an amazing Musician.  The audience didn’t harp on about the instrument afterwards, they waxed lyrical about the Musician.  When criticism comes, I am doing the best that I can in the hands of the Master Musician.

3.  It’s Not About The Numbers

I discovered the importance of each individual.  Every ONE is important in God’s economy.  He doesn’t look to see if I have the biggest audience in town or the smallest.  I’m doing it for the ONE who needs forgiveness – for the ONE who needs encouragement.

4.   God Does Not Necessarily Call The Qualified, But He Does Qualify The Called

With a background in nursing and no qualifications in radio, radio presenting or communication, I have learnt that God can use ANYONE.

5.  The Day Is Better When You Begin It With Prayer

Some years ago, I sought the Lord to find out if I should be continuing on Rise and Shine.  After about 5 or 6 weeks of praying about it and finding God very silent, I saw Beth Moore’s series on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Through Beth, I received my answer.  Beth taught me that with the fruit and the filling of the Holy Spirit you can do things you never thought you could, you will know things you never thought you would and you will feel things you never thought you should. That was the answer I needed &  I knew that I could continue doing Rise and Shine.  But Beth went onto say that to get the Fruit and the Filling of the Holy Spirit, you needed to spend time with God.  So from 1st February 2010, I started getting up half an hour earlier in order to pray. By the end of that week, half an hour was not enough.  These days, my alarm goes off at 3-35am Monday to Friday.  I have found that early morning is the most wonderful time of the day and meeting with God during this special time equips me with all I need.

I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I give God all the glory that He could possibly use a broken vessel such as I. 🙂

9 years hanging out in the CCFm studioGod bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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