8am Service

One of the things Mike and I enjoy is going to the 8am early service at St. Peter’s Church in Fish Hoek. It’s not full and what we have found is that the folks at St. Peter’s are very well prepared. As Mike and I walked home afterwards, we agreed that they don’t waste words there. There is no waffling. They make every word count. As a result, the service was very well prepared, flowed and was extremely moving and  meaningful.

I enjoyed it very much.

Afterwards Mike and went to the Mall and picked up some supplies for lunch. Morgan joined us and she has now left and Mike has gone to hit some golf balls, while I am warm in bed with my laptop on my lap and a mug of hot tea to enjoy while I write.

One of the illustrations from this morning’s message related to an article that appeared a month or two ago about the King of the Netherlands.  King Willem-Alexander who is 50 years old, learned to fly in 1985, is a trained pilot and to keep up his flying hours has been a pilot for KLM twice a month for the past 21 years. Most often, the passengers are oblivious to the illustrious person in their midst. You can read the story on the Dutch News website.

The reason it came up is because the preacher (Murray Anderson) mentioned the verse Luke 17:21

“….the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

It was such a good illustration for us to remember that God is not far from anyone of us. He is the pilot of our plane and while so often we don’t think of it, or focus on it, the fact that Jesus is in our midst is an unchangeable, undeniable fact.

When we do think of it and do focus on it, it is a great comfort indeed.

#343 of my 1000 thanks is that a structured, well planned, 60 minute service can be used so powerfully by the Holy Spirit.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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