4 Things I Know For Sure About 2017

I wrote this 2 years ago about 2015. Nothing has changed.

Many years ago, I was an avid viewer of the Dr. Phil show. I almost built my schedule round the 1pm start. Fascinated by people and their response to life, I loved to see how he handled the most complicated of relationships. I picked up a number of “Dr. Philisms” that I still use today. One of them is “the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.”  While Dr. Phil may have put it that way and bought it down to a personal level, Solomon got in first. Ecclesiastes 1:9

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

And that’s the truth. There is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be done again and for that reason there are a few things I know for sure about 2017.


1.  Daily Irritations Will Still Be There 

Life can get very complicated and there may be things in your life you cannot change. But you can control your response to them, preventing them from swallowing you up or crushing you.  God wants us to be happy amid difficult circumstances. With a lot of things, instead of getting angry, bitter and twisted, let 2017 be the year you let it go. Life skills coach, Murray Kilgour plants the image in your mind of being a batsman at the crease. When a batsman faces a ball, he has a few options. He can hit the easy ones; he can block the ones that may hit his wickets; he can let the ones he doesn’t need to deal with go through to the keeper. When people say horrible things to you, you don’t need to embrace those words and take them onboard – just let them go through to the keeper. There are many small issues that irritate us….bad drivers get on our nerves, raise our blood pressure and make us angry…..let it go. Let 2017 be the year you don’t sweat the small stuff – let it go through to the Keeper.

2.  The World Will Still Be A Mess

On the grand world scale, don’t expect global peace any time soon. But as an individual in a world of turmoil, peace is available to you each and every day. You can have it rain down on you, envelop you and fill your heart and protect your mind. In fact, that’s what God wants for each of us.

Philippians 4 6-7

By bringing all our anxieties to God, He will give us peace. I have always found it miraculous how I can have a heart and mind in turmoil and after praying and thanking God, He washes me in peace. That’s available to you for free in 2017.

3. The Bible Will Still Be True

I believe the Bible to be God’s guidance to us while here on earth.

  • Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

While there are many things we will not understand this side of eternity, the Bible gives us the assurance that we don’t trudge through this life alone and that everything will be alright in the end. It is our roadmap for life. Within its pages you find the bottom line of what is right. Love your neighbour as yourself. Remain humble. Money is not everything – in fact the more you have, the more accountable you need to be – those who are given much, much is required. Do not be greedy. Wives respect your husbands. Husbands love your wives. Men, provide for your families. The Biblical list of practical advice goes on. In 2017, it’s worth taking note of what the Bible says. If you’ve never read the Bible before, start with the Gospel of John, then go back to the beginning of the New Testament to Matthew and keep reading, til you get to the end of Revelation – then go back to the beginning of Matthew again. If you are some way down the road in following Christ, read the whole Bible in 2017! You can do it.  You can get the daily schedule here.

Jan 1

4. God Will Still Be Faithful

We stand on the brink of the unknown. 2017 may be the best year ever for you. God is Faithful. It may be a tough year. God is Faithful. He will be there in the happiest of days. He will be there in the hardest of days. He will rejoice with you. He will mourn with you. There is nothing that will happen in 2017 without God’s permission, His presence and His purpose being worked out in your life. God is sovereign. It’s not about now and here. It’s about eternity and heaven. So we need not stand uncomfortably on the edge of 2017. We stand enthusiastically. We stand confidently. We forge ahead joyfully, knowing we are not alone on this journey and we don’t face the future fearfully. We face the future filled with the knowledge that the Biggest and the Best of Mentors goes with us, guiding, directing, assisting, helping, motivating, forgiving, fixing, blessing, bringing to fulfillment, comforting,  smiling, carrying, watching, caring, waiting, filling, prompting and enveloping us with His mighty love. What’s to fear with our heavenly Father by our side. The worst that can happen is death and then we go to be with Him….there’s nothing bad about that. Dave’s Words of Wisdom came up with this…I made a little change…

What I wish for you in 2015#147 of my 1000 thanks is the warmth of the sun on my shoulders today, along with the cold of the sea water. Wonderful!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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