33°C Cloudy in Cape Town


Mike woke with the sparrows this morning! I wakened with the gentle sound of the thud you hear when you put shoes down in front of you ready to put on! Through my dozy haze I asked him what he was doing and he replied he was going for a run! This is something he has begun in the mornings (of course weekdays I’m gone by the time he usually gets up) and he is still getting into it. Being a morning person, by then I was awake, so I decided that while he was running (he said he’d only be 15 mins), I would read Psalm 119 – all 176 verses.  We would see who would win! I didn’t want to rush through it, so I read out loud the entire psalm and made a note that it took me 13 minutes and 21 seconds which is 3 minutes faster than when I read it back in May! It’s a beautiful psalm, described as a ‘love poem to the Law’. My Bible notes explain that it takes a very systematic form, the acrostic, where each line of each stanza begins with a letter from the Hebrew alphabet, A in the first stanza, B in the second, through all 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  According to www.hebrewscholar.com evidence points to David being the author of Psalm 119, although there is an Ezra connection. Whoever the author, I’m pleased to be the happy recipient of this wonderful work 2600 years after it was penned! While reading it, I stumbled upon one of the Bible verses I often sing (to myself!!) and a truth I live by. It’s verse 105:

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”

So there you, go! Turn to Psalm 119, set your stopwatch, read it and let me know how long it takes you! 🙂

Mike made me coffee on his return and we lazed in bed reading, until about 9am when Mike headed out to stroll through electronic shops!

Meanwhile, I had made Granny breakfast and then got stuck into the leaves that the strong south-easter of the last few days had blown onto the patio. Granny came to supervise…

Once the leaves were all swept and bagged, I made tea and got out a puzzle that Lenore and Joe have passed onto us. It is of “Pemberley” the wonderful Pride and Prejudice mansion belonging to Mr Darcy…

We soon got the frame done…

And I left Granny downstairs sitting in the kitchen making good progress!

After lunch, I lay on the bed and had  a wonderful hour’s sleep!  Tonight I am speaking at a lovely ladies dinner, so once this blog is done, I just need to sort my notes and precis them onto a 6cm x 3cm card and I’ll be all ready. Usually I take my netbook to these events and use my notes on the pc but I only need to speak for 20 minutes tonight, so don’t need much direction. I pretty much know what I’m going to say!

On this warm, sunny Cape Town day, this is the view FROM my bedroom balcony…

And this is the lazy-bones ON my bedroom balcony…

His name is Gizmo and he belongs to the neighbour diagonally opposite us.

Have a sweet Saturday evening!

More tomorrow!

God bless you truck-loadsful!

In His grip,

Helga 🙂



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