Mike took a reading of the water metre yesterday at 2pm and then check it again today. There are three of us on the property (Mike, me and our tenant in Granny’s cottage, Stuart). In 24 hours we had used 100 litres of water. That’s pretty good. I showered after gym and while I did have an initial splash using tank water, as I was washing my hair, I did have the shower on for a short time. Mike had also taken a reading earlier in the day and estimated the shower was 10 to 13 litres. For the rest, we are flushing using tank water and doing dishes in a very small amount of water. The kettle, coffee machine and drinking water take up the balance. As long as our tanks are full, we can keep it this low. If the water runs dry, we will need to buy in water for our consumption.
Some of the losers in the drought:
- Garden services & nurseries.
- Pool companies.
- Bath companies.
- Maybe laundromats
- Maybe car washes
Some of the winners in the drought:
- Water tank companies.
- Bottled water companies.
- Toilet cleaners/jik/loo-me.
- Artificial lawn companies.
- Bucket/water container companies
- Dry shampoo manufacturers.
- Plumbers/leak detectors
- Borehole companies
It has certainly woken us up. I read this online:
I also went to this link https://list25.com/25-most-severe-droughts-ever-recorded/ and read this:
“The agriculture industry in Texas was hit hard by the drought of 2010–11. According to the media, from November 2010 to August 1, 2011, Texas suffered an estimated $5.2 billion in crop and livestock losses, surpassing the previous record loss of $4.1 billion in 2006. Due to record heat and drought, violent wildfires destroyed many homes in the area as well.”
Hectic, but it passed. and our one will too. We need to pray that no lives are lost and that the rain will come.
My diary Bible verse says it all:
Hebrews 11:40
God had planned something better for us.
He’s got this!
# 546 of my 1000 thanks is for a dinner of stew! Nice!
I went to gym this morning, jogged 2km then did the Grid – it is seriously high intensity impact training, which is supposed to be so good. I walked for about 12 more minutes before going home. It took me most of the morning to recover.
This evening Mike and I walked around the block. The Sun Valley pond is on the decline. This was it on Thursday 18th Jan 2018…
This is it today…
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx