Cape Town’s Biggest Crisis

People in Cape Town are beginning to panic. I can understand why. I thought the rain would come, so I checked out Accuweather…they have forecast some rain for Cape Town tomorrow…

Expected rainfall over the next three months is scarily sparse: After tomorrow, the next Accuweather forecast of rain is on 15th February, the 5th March, 14th March, 24th March, 11th and 12th April. 6 days of rainfall (and not substantial either) over the next 90 days. Humanly speaking the prediction is just not enough to fill the dams sufficiently to prevent a major crisis. Only God can over-rule what we see.

And while the politicians squabble over who is at fault and scramble to find a suitable solution to provide water for the needs of more than 4 million people, ultimately each of us will have to make our own contingency plan.

It was the strangest thing that Mike got a bee in his bonnet over getting water tanks for us in October 2016. I remember him researching and investigating and getting prices and quotes. At the time, I thought to myself his endeavours were a bit over the top. I even remember trying to dissuade him from going to such an extent of getting two tanks – a 1500 litre one and a 2000 litre one, but he was compelled to get them. And so we did. He built a concrete slab outside our back door and Nel’s delivered them. One went onto the slab and one went behind the house next to the cottage. And when the rain came, they filled up.

Over the last few months I have marvelled at how the Lord directed the mind and motivation of my husband. God provided when I never knew it was going to be necessary. I am in awe of God’s provision in this regard. I must have faith in Him to believe that what He has provided is sufficient. If we had no municipal water, the water in the tanks, without rain, would last a month at the most.   At the moment, the one above is half full (so that’s 750 litres). The cottage one is 3/4 full (1500 litres).  We will buy in drinking water.

One of the things that I do is hold back on the dishes and only do them once a day. #545 of my 1000 thanks is for all the coffee cups that were stacked up from yesterday. 🙂  As I put them all away I smiled…so many coffee cups!

And so I look in my diary for the Bible verse to add and find it perfectly relevant for such a time as this…

Psalm 8:4-5

“What is man that You are  mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour.”

God will never let us down. The rain will fall.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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