With God, There’s Always a Bigger Picture

We are very short-sighted. We only see what is in front of us. Sometimes, the very wise among us (like Mike) may strategise  for the future – seeing difficulties and planning for them, as when he bought two water tanks the season before the drought struck.  But even that was God’s wisdom. With God, there’s always a bigger picture. He sees the future and He knows what’s ahead. It’s such a comfort to know that our Heavenly Father who loves us and has His very best in mind for us sees what’s coming in our lives and makes a plan to turn it out for good.

One of the most disappointing times of my life was when I failed a year at school. I was not entirely stupid (lol). Lazy is more accurate and rebellious at the time as well. I learned the consequences and had to extend my education by a year. In that year, I did two terms of typing.  As I plugged away at ASDFG drills on an old-fashioned school type writer, I didn’t for one second imagine that there would be so much typing in my future. My 70wpm skill has made me so much more efficient than if I had not failed the year and stayed in the academic stream I was planning on.  With God there’s always a bigger picture.

When I had my heart broken way back in 1980-something, my whole world came tumbling down and I never thought I would ever recover. I was sure that I had lost my only hope of love. With God there’s always a bigger picture and surely, He ordained for Mike and I to marry and who knows what the bigger picture will be for our children and grandchildren.

I remember too when I was compelled to leave a comfortable 4 hour a day occupational health nursing position to work on my own. During that year, I learned to sell. While I thought I was eking out a few hundred rands a month to contribute to the economy of my home, the Lord was training me up to be able to sell for a bigger purpose. A year later, as I started to sell advertising for Radio CCFm, I employed many of the strategies I had learned while working on my own. With God there’s always a bigger picture.

I didn’t know it either that when I left CCFm, God had a bigger picture in enabling me to work in my current job, employing many skills I picked up while working for CCFm. I was prepared and equipped for something completely different and new.

Whatever is going on in your life, no matter how confusing or uncertain the future may look, with God there’s always a bigger picture. Each of us can trust Him for it. He’ll unfold it in His perfect time. We just have to stay connected to Him.

James came and mowed the lawn and it’s looking much cleaner. The vine is looking great as well….

Proverbs 3:33

The Lord blesses the home of the just. 

Amen to that!

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 1 hour on the treadmill
  • 10 minutes + doing circuit machines.

#939 of my 1000 thanks is for Gym. As I left the gym, I really appreciated it. At the end of this month I sign up for another year.

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