Window Work


Dear Elsie

Today was the day a lot of window work was done on the cottage. It was a huge day for the little Loft reno as the window man is due to come tomorrow. It was all systems go to put up an elaborate set of scaffolding to be able to reach the top window.

Inside, Courage and Mike took out the current windows.

And then had to cut through quite a thick beam. Mike’s saw wasn’t good enough so he hired one which also wasn’t good enough, so that went back and he picked up a bigger one. That did the trick and before you knew it, this had happened.

It looks amazing!  Lots of work still to be done.

It’s now blocked up for overnight and tomorrow the window should arrive.

For us, it was another day of family time.

Now Stacey is on a work call. Elsie, you are watching TV.

These are special moments. I know I’ve said it every day this week, but my heart is full!

Acts 17:28
For in Him we live and move and have our being.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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