Why I Love to Walk in the Morning


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I set off for an early morning walk. I had checked the weather and saw rain would be coming. An early walk may miss the rain. I set off for Glencairn. It was very low tide and so I got to walk on the beach. It’s a perfect distance to Glencairn and back (5.4km). I was reminded why I love to walk in the morning.

Not long after I got back, we had breakfast and in the middle of coffee afterwards, we got a message from the guests to say they had left. That spurred us into action. We went downstairs and found a pretty clean apartment (which helped). An hour and a half later, it was spotlessly clean & whipped into readiness for the next visitors. They are the previous guests who have returned and they are so happy to be back after vacating for a week while these guests were in. They are such a delightful couple and are a pleasure to host. They are here until 17th October.

While waiting for them to arrive, I did all the washing and got that up on indoor lines. I did try it outside but the wind was a bit too strong and occasional squalls had me running in and out to prevent it from getting rained upon. In fact, right now, I have the clothes horse out on the sunny side and am currently keeping a close eye on what looks like an impending shower. I will soon bring it in permanently, so I can forget about it.

Washing done, we went shopping. One of my favourite meals is salmon trout with salad, so that’s dinner for tonight. It’s so easy to make. Only difference is this evening, Mike will make his marvellous mashed potato.

It has been a very satisfying day.

Psalm 71:14
As for me, I will always have hope;

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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