Can you believe I would ever suggest such a thing! But today, I listened to Andy Stanley speaking from part 3 of his series entitled ‘Judgment Call.’ It was a lightbulb moment. It’s time to stop minding my own business and act! And on most occasions when I am “minding my own business” and saying things like, “it’s not my responsibility”, I am praying about the situation. It’s time to stop only praying and to do something!
Think about it. Matthew records a conversation he heard Jesus have with the disciples. It was about a lost sheep. In those days, if someone had 100 sheep and one got lost, they immediately dropped what they were doing and went looking for the lost sheep. In explanation, Andy Stanley says, and it’s true, that when we’ve lost something we don’t look and admire all we’ve got….we focus on what’s lost and try and find it. Can’t find your car keys? No problem, you’ve still got the car! That doesn’t happen. We turn stuff upside down to find the keys.
Jesus draws the parallel to lost people instead of lost sheep in Matthew 18:14 where He says that God is not willing that any of His little ones should perish. What follows after relates to us and our family and friends. If you see someone going down a slippery slide to destruction – falling into catastrophic behaviour – which you know will result in a terrible outcome, there are guidelines for what you should do. Firstly, go to that person, on your own and explain your concerns. If they listen, great! If they don’t, don’t give up on them. Go to them again, this time taking someone with you and try convince them again. If they still ignore you, then try and get the church leadership involved. But what is happening here is that you are doing something – you are not minding or own business or saying, ‘it’s not my responsibility’ – you are not just praying and praying and hoping something amazing happens. God has already given us guidelines on how to act when someone is heading down a fatal path. Of course, He hears your prayers, but He also has already spurred you onto action!
It was a really good lesson!
Today I went to the Organic Store in Lakeside. Oooh, I think it’s going to be my next best shopping destination! They have so much organic options for all sorts of things like really healthy peanut butter and organic veggies and goat’s milk and cheese and chocolate. It’s worth a visit. They also have a really good website at www.organiczone.co.za. They have been around for 10 years, so they’re well established.
Yay for the weekend. It’s going to be cold and wet, so I’m making butternut soup and am going to get that going now!
In His Grip,
Helga xx