What You Do Today COUNTS!


Today has been a significant day – perhaps a red-letter day that has already impacted my thoughts and this surely will lead to impacting my actions. It’s all because of a message I head this morning from this man:

Andy Stanley If you have 30 minutes or so for a mind-altering message, that puts your life in perspective and makes you live life more intentionally, click here…


The gist of what Andy Stanley speaks on is that we are all in the middle of writing our story. Every season of your life becomes a story that you will tell some time in the future. No matter how big the decisions you make are, at some point in your life, it will be a story you end up telling…what happened at school…at university…how you met your spouse…got your job, chose your career, had your children. Family feuds, broken relationships, decisions with children, job resignations, reaction to illness. You can choose how to live the experiences you have. You can choose to be a victim of your circumstances OR you can choose to be a victor of your circumstances and live your experiences WELL.  In the future, how do you want to tell the story of the experiences you are living TODAY? You don’t want to have to regret what you do today. You don’t want to have to lie about yourself.  He goes onto tell the amazing story of Joseph in Genesis 39, who amidst unfair circumstances, lived his story WELL.


Joseph’s brothers lied about him for 15 years.

Write and live whatever story you have, WELL. Fast forward through the years to come and look back to now to decide how you live and write your story. Write today well. Tell your story truthfully, honestly and satisfactorily. Not ashamedly, embarrassingly or sadly. Live with no regrets. What you do today COUNTS! Your next decision COUNTS. How you respond today, becomes part of your story. It’s a great decision on living each day intentionally.

It’s worth a listen!

We watched the DVD at Heidi’s house, where the table was laid…

Bible study tableA closer look at that yummy cake…

Heidi's cakeAnd, here’s a surprise…I’m not sure if he’s house trained, but he certainly has run of Heidi’s house…

Heidi's run of the house rabbitCute!

The weekend lies ahead. An unexpected development is for me tomorrow morning… I’m doing Morning Madness!!! On 107.5 CCFm from 7 to 9-30am! www.ccfm.org.za. Big shoes to fill! It’s not possible to fill Sean Collard’s shoes!

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;”

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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