What To Do?


Yesterday, as I drove away from CCFm, I passed a poignant scene on the road. I stopped and parked my car and went to take a look. A little dog, was lying quietly, faithfully next to his master on the Main Rd. of Muizenberg…

As I approached, the dog showed a mild, unthreatening curiosity…

After I left, he put his head down and went back to sleep. Two things struck me. One was what to do? Do I wake the sleeper, find out if he is alright or just sleeping off a hard night, or do I leave him? Do I go and buy him some food and bring him some water or do I walk away and forget that I saw him? I know the Muizenberg Improvement District has been working towards assisting the homeless. The one major organisation that helps the homeless with a place to spend the day is Living Grace which is right opposite CCFm. They provide lockers, shower facilities and a hot meal, but you do have to get them in the door in order to do that. This gentleman didn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

The other thing that struck me was the faithfulness and obedience of the dog. He never left his owner’s side. Clearly this is a regular occurrence. You simply lie down and sleep when the time comes and the faithful friend has learnt to do the same thing.

A lot can be learnt from the dog. He is completely unbias. He is completely devoted. He is content with his circumstances. He is trustworthy and disciplined and faithful and patient. And that is exactly what God wants us to be like.

Yep, we can learn something from the dog…Proverbs 3:3 Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

He wasn’t there today.

In the meantime, on the home front, the first Christmas Cake has been baked…

This one is not for us. The next one I make will have slightly modified ingredients eg. less sugar! The link for the recipe for this cake is on the right of my main blog page.

Today, I had this for lunch…

It is very high in fat and very low in carbs. Just up my street! And it was yummy. I ate about 2/3 of the tub.

Off to make tea for Granny and me.

God bless you loads.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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