What Mike Said


We spent another two hours at the site today, moving rocks, shoveling sand, sitting in the dirt, pulling out rocks. I always come away with grit on my face, filthy dirty, disheveled with messy hair. Some would say a hot mess. Today we hadn’t organised dinner so on the way home, we phoned a pizza restaurant and ordered pizza. Mike parked, I went in to pick them up. As I walked the short distance back to the car with the pizzas, in my dirty work shirt, grubby jeans and unwashed hands, I was grateful to still be walking. When I got in the car, what Mike said was completely unexpected. I thought he was going to say “As I watched you come back I thought to myself how tired you look.” Instead he said,

“As I watched you come back I thought to myself you are just as pretty as the day I met you!” 😅😆🤪😍

Ja right! 🤣

Must get his eyes checked again! Ha ha. My good good husband. He’s a keeper!

Photos from the site, just to record the progress. We did well today. After 8 hours of work altogether this week, this is what we have left…

We should be able to finish tomorrow which is amazing. Yesterday I didn’t think we would finish. The builder gets back on Monday. When we told Werner we may be working on moving the rocks, he made a quip about us throwing a few ‘pebbles’ into the hole. I don’t know if he will be impressed at our work, but I am sure he will be surprised. These 4 steps are what we uncovered today…

And from the top…

I also had a little stroke of genius…I advertised!

I had a number of people message me and by the time we got there this afternoon, some had rocks had already been taken.  There are still loads left for any takers! We won’t be running out of rocks any time soon.

Our rock work happens after we have finished working and Courage has left. Today, apart from work, I got stuck into the cottage behind our current house.  Our tenant has moved out and it was time it got a ‘deep clean’, something that happens every 5 years or so.  I cleaned high and low. I’ve still got some way to go but the place will be spic and span in time for Adrian, Stacey and Elsie who are coming for Christmas. 💃

Mid-morning a courier arrived. A bottle of wine from my company director in the UK to say thank you and happy Christmas. Very thoughtful.

We have enjoyed unexpected summer rain. A little more is expected overnight, but for tomorrow, it should be dry enough to get some washing done.

Psalm 50:23

The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies Me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


I daren’t go to gym while I’m moving the rocks. I need to conserve my energy.


1 year and 36 days


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