What I Have Learned From My Dad & From Mike


Father’s Day today & I am thinking of my Dad and the gifts he gave me. He died in 2008. My Dad was quirky,  always searching,  he followed many different religions and thoughts of faith during the course of his life, settling in the end on Greek Orthodoxy!20130616_091520

Yet through his eccentricities,  he gave me some lasting gifts:

1. He prayed for us children throughout our lives. God has heard everyone of those prayers.

2. He loved me. I think he told me from time to time but even when he didn’t tell me, I knew he loved me. He wanted 4 children and when I stopped after 2, he was always surprised & said how terrible it would have been if he and my Mom stopped at two. I was the youngest.

3. He trusted me. He allowed me freedom during my teen years, knowing I was a Christian,  trusting that I would do what was right. It was not easy for him.

4. He respected me. He respected my dreams and desires & helped me achieve them.

5. He got me memorising Scripture, a gift I value more,  the older I get.

As a result of these gifts, when I was looking for the kind of man I wanted to marry, I looked for someone who would pray for me,  love me unconditionally, would trust me and would respect me.  I found that in Mike who I have lived with for far longer than I lived with my Dad so I can double the amount of gifts he has given me.

1.He prays for me and Adrian, Stacey and David.

2. He loves us unconditionally.

3. He trusts us.

4. He respects us.

5. He gives us earthly security.

6. He gives us company, companionship and friendship.

7. He is our adviser.

8. He defends us.

9. He is our encourager.

10. He is generous to a fault and has a servant heart.


Whatever you are doing today, embrace the moment, recount the memories, treasure the present and rest in your Heavenly Father’s love and presence.

Psalm 103:13 “As a father has compassion on his children,  so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him…”

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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