Whale Paradise


Dear Elsie

Another day in what is whale paradise. Not only have there been a lot of whale sightings but  what has been surprising is there have been a number of different kinds of whales. Killer whales, aka Orcas have come into town and this evening have been porpoising up and down our little coast line. It’s one of the ways you tell they are orcas – their action is like that of a dolphin only they are enormous. There have also been hump backs and Southern Right. The tourists are in awe. Seeing them suddenly appear right below us never gets old, mainly because they are elusive and uncooperative.  Out the corner of my eye I’ll see a massive splash and see the end of an amazing breach and then they are gone. There is no rewinding of the tape, pausing and going backwards, replaying. Nope, all that remains is a swirl of foamy water and the hope they will reappear 30m on. As they are simply making their way in the water, they do not know they are being swooned over by anyone and everyone in the vicinity.  We need to enjoy it because it’s a few months they are around and then they leave for their next destination. By mid December most will have disappeared.

There is much beauty around us. Daisy Lane however, has no daisies this year, so for the moment it’s become Lavender Lane. Beautiful bunches of lavender all the way along.

It was a busy, but satisfying workday. I have had some email issues and found my work email has only 5% storage, so I was asked to clear some out. I discovered my very first email dated 13th August 2014. At that point, I had no idea that the position would grow to such a rewarding one. Anyway, I deleted all of 2014 and 2015 emails. Tomorrow, I’ll try get rid of another two years.

When I read this verse, it reminds me that I never know what people are going through.

2 Corinthians 8:2
In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.

It is only God who can make overflowing joy and rich generosity come from a very severe trial and extreme poverty.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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