Wendy Berry!


Yesterday in church, an appeal was made for prayer for a church member and past presenter of Radio CCFm – Wendy Berry. She had severe polio as a child and right into adulthood, lived an amazingly full wheel-chair bound life. She married, gave birth to a daughter, fostered a son, travelled overseas & threw herself fully into the work of the Lord. She is truly a remarkable person. In recent years,  Wendy, now in her 50s, has had some serious health issues. She spent many months of last year on a respirator. Once she had weaned herself off it, it was time to celebrate! The family went to the Waterfront and even went on the Big Wheel. She went back to work, but soon encountered some infections, which doctors treated with heavy doses of antibiotics. These seem to have caused a hyper-sensitivity to light and radiation.

Today I went to see her and found the situation just so difficult for her to cope with. Exposure to the smallest amount of light or radiation from any electronic devices causes her skin to burn and she is in extreme pain. She is known by many people in Cape Town. Please pray for Wendy and her family. This is a pic of John and Wendy. I took it off her FB profile, but I think it was taken just after she came off the ventilator…

Wendy’s situation makes our little troubles seem completely insignificant!

On a happier note, yesterday Paddy, Granny’s sister-in-law came to visit. Granny and Paddy had a lovely time chatting. Granny LOVED it…

I have to post a photo from today and the only one I have taken is the cloudy sunrise this morning…

When things go wrong in life, and they will, that is when you seriously have to trust the Lord. I prayed for John and Wendy before I left them and now I need to trust that God has heard my prayer and all the others being prayed and that He will answer. Tomorrow I begin reading Psalm 139 on Rise and Shine. As I prepared it today, the application to Wendy’s situation was very clear…

Psalm 139:
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me  and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to You;  the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.

In the darkness, God is with you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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