

Yesterday we had a guy come round to quote us for cleaning and painting our roof. As he walked around the house he, noticed a wasp’s nest next to a gutter. He suggested we get rid of it prior to them coming to do the job. So today I went and bought some stuff that is supposed to kill wasps and I went round the house to have a look and strategise. The nest had fallen off the gutter of the house and was now on the ground…

Wasp nest on the floorMeanwhile, a whole lot of wasps were busy back on the gutter making another nest…

Wasps on the gutterThe roof man had said that I should try spray them at midday when the wasps were all away from the nests. But the wasps were there in their hundreds! So, I googled it and found to get rid of them is best done at night. So that’s our next project and it’s got to be done by Friday because that’s the day they start cleaning the roof.

How are you feeling today? I am sure some are feeling fatigue – tired – maybe weak? If that is how you are feeling, I have good news for you! Deuteronomy 32:36 says,

“The Lord will judge His people and have compassion on His servants when He sees their strength is gone.”

God is sovereign and He knows and sees all things. He sees you at your highest, most jubilant moments and He sees you in your lowest, darkest times of despair. He has allowed those moments to make you stronger & to show you His mighty power in sustaining you, strengthening you and having compassion on you. He cannot love you more than He does. He cannot love you less. His love is all encompassing. He wants you to be happy. He has your very best interest at heart. You are His child. So when you are down-hearted, He is there, ready to help you & to carry you if needed. Lean on Him today!

God bless you richly!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude Pic…Whatsapp is such a great way to stay in touch…I appreciate it…

Whatsapp logo🙂

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