
The other day I was very frustrated and I tried to figure out why.  After some thought, I concluded it is because we are having to do an extraordinary amount of waiting right now! We are just waiting. And we are waiting for things that are outside of our control. Waiting for all the neighbours to come back with their signed no objection forms. Waiting for one of neighbours to come home from holiday. Once this is done, we will be waiting for the Rate-payers association to approve. Then we will be waiting for the Council to finally approved our plans. Mike and I (and Julian) are really excited about building our house and we can’t wait to get started!

Therein lies the problem. We can’t wait! But we have to!

The other thing that contributed to my frustration is uncertainty. We are uncertain if one of the neighbours will object. Then the whole house of cards will fall. It doesn’t matter if 5 sign. One can pull the rug out on us and send us flying. The delay will be substantial and the inconvenience will ripple through the role players involved in the build.

With the arrival of each signature, a piece of the burden of uncertainty falls from my shoulders. This burden is now only a third of its original size. We have four of the six required signatures.

It’s good to articulate the cause of the frustration because it enables me to put it in its rightful place.

A lot of waiting has been done….

We have plans grinding their way through Council. This is a wonderful thing. When we spoke to one of the neighbours on Saturday who are only just thinking of building, we had the perspective of how far we have come.  The piling is coming along. Another couple of weeks and that will be complete.

After the frustration of the other day, today I fly high on the wings of gratitude. We just need to continue to be patient. It will happen when it happens.

Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers and the flowers fade but the Word of our God stands forever.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Today I did a couple of things:

  1. At about 7-30am, jogged 2.77km with Mike – it was just around the neighbourhood and was a slow trot (Took 25 minutes!)
  2. At lunchtime, went to gym and walked for 35 minutes before doing a few weights.


Day 182

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