Very Busy Working Sunday


Dear Elsie

Today was a busy working day. Ruth came and we got stuck into the Seaview Apartment. I cleaned the bedroom and washed the bedroom windows. She did the rest. Then she moved down to the Loft as those guests had left. They were a couple of older gents in from Norway to surf-ski. A 3rd arrived today, so they were moving to a bigger place. There were a few things I needed to put in the Seaview Apartment before the guest came this afternoon, so I walked down to Fish Hoek to pick them up. I went really slowly because it was the heat of the day and very humid. Nice views though. The nippers doing their training…

Busy beach…

I got everything up to scratch and at about 3.30pm my new guest arrived. She’s doing her doctorate and is living in Mozambique where, she said, it’s frightfully hot. Despite the humidity today, she was loving the sea breeze. She is here for 2 weeks. Tomorrow afternoon, the Loft guests arrive.

Later this afternoon I did some work and now we are in for a quiet evening. One of the things that also happened today which was very, very nice was I slept in! Seldom do I wake up at 7am, but today I did. I was awake around 5am, but went back to sleep again and woke up to the (wonderful) sound of the coffee machine. I had coffee in bed.

This time last year when David was still feeling the effects of severe long covid, I read this verse. This is is how we felt for much of 2023. We felt so helpless.

Psalm 22:11
Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help.

It was not long after this that a turning point came. David went to see a Haematologist (the consultation kindly paid for by good friends). While the Doctor didn’t have a clue what he was dealing with (and hinted that maybe this was caused by depression), he did call for a bunch of blood tests that David hadn’t had. This revealed anaemia (caused by triple therapy) and Vitamin D deficiency (David spent a year hardly going outside). Once he started on iron and Vit D supplements, there was a significant improvement. 2024 turned out to be so very much better than 2023. David is still not perfect. He still can’t exercise. He still needs to manage his energy levels carefully. He still has crashes if he overdoes it, but he can do so much more than a year ago. He can walk a couple of kilometers, he can ride his bike about 5km on a flat road. He can go out; he’s been away for weekends and of course, he has his girlfriend Anna, who a year ago today, I would never have believed was possible for him to find!

God is not far from us when trouble is near – He is always there to help.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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