Twas a Very Gloomy Day


Dear Elsie

Today was a very gloomy day. The sun stayed firmly behind clouds which hung low in the sky. For part of the day, mist lingered eerily over the water, blending the horizon with the sky.

I worked for most of the day and then went walking!

It was a ‘busy’ walk as there were a few interactions to be had. The first was a lady who had a serious stutter. She couldn’t get the words she was trying to say, so I had to guess. I eventually ascertained she wanted to know if I had seen something. I got that much. I asked if it were ‘dogs’ – to which she clearly responded, “I wish it were!” But she couldn’t get out the words she was wanting. Then I saw her say B.  “Ah baboons?” I asked.  “No I haven’t seen any today!” She then indicated she had seen some on the street when she was driving home and I needed to watch out. She managed to tell me one of them got in her house and made an awful mess. Afterwards, I wondered how I could have made the communication easier for her.  I have a note function on my cell phone and she could have typed it. I’ll have to remember that.

Further down the road, I encountered a gardener and asked him if he had seen then. He said he had but they seem to have gone up the mountain.

A few minutes later, I was just walking along, minding my own business when a dog started barking viciously at me. Then I saw his gate was open. That startled me! I crossed the road to get further away. Funnily enough, he was barking as if the gate was closed. He didn’t cross the line! I warned an oncoming walker that 92’s gate was open and the barking dog nearly gave me a heart attack.

I decided to take a short cut, going down a lane I’d never been down before. Good to take a new route.

A good walk.

Mike continued with bed box project. Raiku tried it out.

Dinner is done and now it’s time to wrap up for the evening.

Psalm 149:4
The Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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