Tsotsi Story


Dear Elsie

Today was an early work day that began early. From about 7am, I was at my computer on and off until after 3.30pm when I went for a walk. My company while working – Raiku hanging out with me…

The pink peg sometimes catches his attention and he bats it about. Sometimes he purrs and meows and head butts me, standing in front of my laptop and obstructing my view. Other times he just curls up and  naps.

After work, I took off for a 5km walk. Wearing my Neighbourhoodwatch high viz bib, I walked the length of Highway to Kommetjie Rd. While walking along Kom Rd towards the beach, I saw two sketchy guys approaching. They were looking over walls as they went along, checking out houses. As I got closer, I reached into my pocket and got out my pepper spray, but it got stuck. I was almost upon them when I finally got it out. By then, they were staring intently on what I was reaching for. I think they thought it may have been my cell phone. I greeted them and that seemed to take them by surprise. They said hello and went on by. A 100m down the road, I met another guy who stopped me to tell me those two are tsotis who had robbed his brother. They stayed in Masi and were well known. As we were looking back at them, a cyclist was about to go past them, when he suddenly decided to cross the road. The guy I was speaking to said, “You see that cyclist? He knows them – that’s why he crossed the road.” I asked if he new their names? “The one on the outside is known as  Mbashu”, he said. I made a mental note and went on my way. I don’t know if he thought I was going to do something official with this information. The two under discussion weren’t exactly doing anything more than I do  – that is walk along the road looking at houses. I wouldn’t recognise them if I saw them again either. It is only a Tsotsi story from my walk today.

I came home via a very quiet, pristine beach. For fun, I walked along the wall on the right.

It’s not only the beach that’s quiet – you can hear a pin drop in the house this evening.  Julian left this morning. David is having dinner with Anna and so we are all alone. Mike is busy reading the Agatha Christie book he took out of David’s bookshelf last night. Maybe we’ll watch some tennis or Netflix.

2 Corinthians 7:5-6
For when we came into Macedonia, we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn—conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us…

I always love verses that have But God in them. So  much of my life would be a mess But God….

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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