Ton of Bricks

Behind our house the garden is stepped. The upper level has always been very difficult to maintain mainly because of the moles. They made it impossible to have a lawn up there. Throughout the years, the space has changed from one which had grass (when there were not so many moles) and swings and a vegetable garden to pretty much a mess today.  Finally, we have decided it’s time to pave, so today a ton of bricks arrived…

Ton of bricks

Tomorrow I think they will be wheelbarrowed round to the back of the house and sometime this week, the great pave off will commence.

This is looking down one side of the garden…

Back garden looking one way

And this is looking down the other…

Back garden looking the other way

I hope they can save the protea bush. We have some good ideas for this space. It’s another step in our home renovation which has taken a long time in coming.

I’m really looking forward to the change. Yay!

I’ve just finished reading the book of Ecclesiastes. 29 times the phrase ‘under the sun’ is mentioned in the book of Ecclesiastes.  Solomon reflects on so many things he has seen and experienced ‘under the sun’.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

The only life we know is under the sun. Here we live on planet earth seeing bad things happen to good people – seeing good things happen to bad people. We see good rulers die young and bad rulers live deep into old age.  There is nothing new under the sun.

But the whole power of this phrase is not based on what it says, but on what it implies. In order for the converse to be true, in order for what has been to never be again and what has been done to never be done again, we have to get out from under the sun.

When we die, we get out from under the sun.

Psalm 115:3

The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all.

That’s where we are headed – out from under the sun.

These are the days! We will enjoy them until that time.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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