Music to my ears!! How amazing! Our plans lady phoned. I didn’t hear the call so she left an 8 second voice note:
“I’ve just spoken to Reggie. His words were: ‘Tell your clients to pop that champagne – you have no objections!’ ”
This is good news indeed and it’s almost hard to believe. We were guarding our heart – feeling that one particular neighbour would object. He wanted us to pay him for his signature but we declined!
I bought some non alcoholic champagne and we popped it…
There’s been lots of discussion of what happens next. We met with Werner. Julian had ordered a special credit card for building expenses so Werner now has that. Not much changes in regard to what’s happening at the property now – he will just continue with the current project of clearing the land, but it will move seamlessly into the proper build. We still need to pay scrutiny fees and that is what we wait for next. Once those are paid, we can move onto the foundations and it won’t be too long after that we get the final plans.
There are already a few changes to the plans but they won’t stop the build from going ahead.
Today we are celebrating!
Psalm 86:6
Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace.
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
Resting and walking in my new running shoes.
Day 332