The Winds of Change…


A late blog today! Time ran away with me…*that darn puzzle!* But at least it has gone from a 1000 piece puzzle to about a 300 piece puzzle!

300 pieces left

‘Uncle’ Peter arrives tomorrow, so we sorted out a bit of the garden and put the finishing touches to the cottage. I want to turn this cottage into a holiday rental. I have some work to do to get into rentable as it still has lots of Granny’s stuff in it. It’s perfect, however for family and friends…this is the lounge area…with French doors on the right opening onto the garden…

Cottage loungeThe kitchenΒ  is opposite end to the lounge…with this table inbetween. There is a stove, microwave, fridge, washing machine AND wi-fi connectivity…. you would expect nothing less at the van Niekerks! πŸ™‚

Wireless internet and kitchenThis is the main bedroom…

Main bedroom in the cottagePeter will be very comfortable! There is a second, smaller bedroom which has a single bed and a whole lot of boxes of Julian’s books! πŸ™‚ We need to find a new storage space for those before we take the holiday rental idea further.

While taking photos, I also took one of the patio…Right now I am blogging from the three seater swing in this picture…

Main house patioOne of the things we did today, was swap dining room tables. Several years ago, Granny commissioned the making of a beautiful blackwood dining room table and four chairs. I thought it would be nice for a change to move that from the cottage into our house and put our table and chairs in the cottage. Sadly, when we did, Granny did not remember it. πŸ™ But! She was impressed when I told her, she had made the table cloth!…

Grannys blackwood table

Yes, the winds of change are blowing through the van Niekerk’s lives. With David having flown the coop, things are a lot quieter round here. It is particularly quiet since Julian and Jessica left. When Granny moves onto ‘greener pastures’ we will definitely be ’empty nesters!’ Turning the cottage into a holiday rental would be a good idea.

Generally people don’t like change. I know I don’t. I’m so glad God is our anchor…holding us firmly when change does come to our lives. “I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” (Malachi 3:6). πŸ™‚

I’m really looking to going back to ‘work’ on Monday! When you do something you love, it can hardly be classified as work! I’ve got a great piece by Ravi Zacharias on knowing the will of God for our lives. That will be at 7-22am. Hope you will be able to tune in. 107.5 Cape Town wide, 96.7 in the Fish Hoek and surrounding area and on the world wide web!

God bless you enormously!

In His Grip,

Helga xx πŸ™‚

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