The Thing That Overwhelms Me The Most

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I’ve heard that before.


Truth be told, no one wants to eat an elephant. I guess they use an elephant as the example because as the earth’s largest land mammal, it is overwhelmingly big and impossible to consider eating.

I have something that overwhelms me.

It’s my house.

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, lounge, dining room, double garage, and storage space in the roof – containing 26 years of life’s possessions.

Last year, I was determined to make a start at clearing out and I did. I got a bite of the elephant done. But there is still another 99% of the elephant to go. I dream of less stuff in my house.

Last night I had a long conversation with my brother, Julian. He’s so wise about this kind of stuff. I’ve mentioned on this blog before that he loves to-do lists. Every day (every single day) he has one. That to-do list creates order and productivity for him. It directs his life and makes him far more organised than I am. I have one word for me: haphazard. Yip! That’s me. I’m haphazard Helga! I don’t have a good plan for organising my world. I have a vague routine and a few things in place that I do every day, but everything else sort of like falls into place. It’s like I throw bits of paper  into the air and they land here and there!

I think it’s time for a new way of living.

Please welcome to my world:


It’s time.

Julian called it. He said, “just make a long list of everything that needs to be done and break it down into little tasks and do one each day.”


I need two lists now. One LONG list of everything that needs to be done to sort out my house and one daily one to get my life in order.

I think this will work.

What am I waiting for?

Time to get on with it!

How’s this for an appropriate Bible verse?

~ Psalm 101:2b ~

I will conduct the affairs of my house  with a blameless heart.

I like!

As I read back over what I’ve written today, one thing came to my mind:- I’m very grateful to have a house! 🙂

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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