The Thing About Mavis…


Mavis has been working for me for a number of years. Her sister, Dorothy, worked one day a week for me and then as Granny’s ability deteriorated we needed more help and so Dorothy recommended Mavis. I imagined someone similar to Dorothy, but I was mistaken! Mavis came with no experience and can’t speak English. She can understand a bit of English but to really have her understand, you need to write it down! But the thing about Mavis is that she is committed. Today when she woke up sick, she still came & got Granny up and washed, dressed and fed. I appreciate that. David arrived home early this morning from the long trip back from Mozambique. Around 10am I got a call from him telling me he was taking Mavis home because she was sick. When I got home, I found how sick…she had done nothing, apart from get Granny up. Poor Mavis. I hope she is better by tomorrow. She generally has a very happy personality and does what she is asked to do. So glad she came in to sort out Granny!

The day began with rain but soon cleared into a sunny afternoon. It’s not expected to last though…this was this morning’s weather forecast….

After a good Monday morning in the studio & at the office, I arrived home to greet David! We decided to go out for lunch. but first we cleaned the kitchen.

Cappuccino art…

We got home in time for some tennis and then Karl came to fix the washing machine. That is now done, so I’ve got a load in the machine. Show prep is done, & I’m moving swiftly through my afternoon ‘to-do’ list. Dinner is yesterday’s left-overs. Apart from forgetting to buy the panes of glass for the window (!!), I’m on top of things!

Just for fun…

2 Timothy 3: 12-14 says: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it…”

Don’t believe everything you hear & don’t believe everything you read on the internet! Test it against what the Bible says. 🙂

Have a fab evening!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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