The Snake


Dear Elsie

Today the wind has been howling. Julian arrived & after work I went with him for a 30 minute walk. We strained into the wind for half the walk and were blown merrily along for the other half.

I keep meaning to write about our unexpected encounter with a small red snake. On Saturday afternoon we walked down to the fish shop to buy fish and chips. Fish Hoek fisheries has been an institution on Fish Hoek Main Rd for decades. We  hadn’t been there for a while.

We came out and headed home, but just up the road, right there on the pavement was a snake. Mike just walked right on, but I gasped, especially when I saw its tail move.

I’d never seen anything like it. Mike scoffed and marched on.  “It’s not a snake!” Mike said. “What?!”  My heart was beating a little faster. I’d seen its tail move. I took a closer look, bravely bending right over it to find out exactly what I was looking at.

And then, I laughed and laughed and laughed.

It was a piece of hair weave from the hairdresser two doors down! The wind had blown its ‘tail’ and that was why it moved.  It was so sneaky.  I’m inclined to put the photo on our street’s Whatsapp group on 1st April & ask for an identification. It shows how deceptive something can be.

Another full day of work – tomorrow I take the afternoon off.

I was interested today to read Numbers 18:7. The role of the Priests is being set out and they are instructed to serve. Servants traditionally are the least of the societal levels, but the Bible turns service on its head. We are instructed to be servants. But it is in this verse that we see an unexpected description of service…

Numbers 18:7
I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift.

Service is a gift.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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