The Perfect 5km Route


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I got news of your upcoming graduation from Grade R. It’s early this year because the primary school is so very busy at the end of the year, so they’ve scheduled it for next month. I’m excited to see the celebrations &  be there to cheer you on.

Today I was up early and thinking there may be rain, I set off to try the perfect 5km route. It was not today’s! I walked to the end of our road and then back down Highway, all the way along Hillside to Kommetjie Rd as far as this turn off…

Along Rickart Lane to Highway.

And home again. The only problem was by the time I got back up to my front door, I still had about 200m to go so I had to walk around and around a bit to get to 5km. So far I think the best 5km walk is going the other way – to the end of Glencairn Beach and back.  This route along Kommetjie Rd with lots of morning traffic isn’t great. But on the way home along Highway, I did pass the Drain Surgeon’s stretched VW Beetle which is quirky.

That took a bit of work. I saw him driving it the other day and it did look a bit clumsy. Amazing that it works.

The wind is howling tonight and is forecast to blow through tomorrow as well, but maybe I’ll try the walk to the end of Glencairn Beach and back….although having said that, the beach and the wind are not a good combination – exfoliation and sand in my eyes comes to mind. Maybe I’ll do a couple of short walks.

A full and busy day at work today. David joined us for dinner.

A Bible verse that’s a prayer, I have often said but can never remember where it comes from. Today I read Psalm 63 and there it was. Verse 8 – My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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