Mike & I rose early this morning and by 6-30am, we were arriving at St. James Beach….it was dawn….
Music and singing came from St. James Beach. Taking our chairs and blankets with us, we went down to the beach where loads of people were gathered for an Easter sunrise service. It was wonderful! We had front row seats to a magnificent view…
Pastor Neil spoke on why we believe Christ was raised from the dead. The beach shower was his pulpit…
There are many religions in the world, all based on people who have died. The Jews (and to some extent the Muslims) follow Abraham – he is buried in a tomb in Hebron known as the Cave of the Patriarchs. You can visit it. That’s where Abraham is. Then there’s Muhammad, whose tomb is at Medina, present-day Saudi Arabia. You can visit it. Buddha’s body, according to Wikipaedia was believed to have been cremated and his remains entombed, one place is said to be Sri Lanka. You can visit it. All the world’s tombs are recorded on Wikipaedia. Here’s what they say of the tomb of Jesus…
Every other tomb contains the remains, but not Jesus. He was only there between His Crucifixion and His Resurrection! He is not there today ! He IS RISEN! And that’s what we celebrate today! 😀
Matthew 28: 6
He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where He lay.
Great message Neil! Then there was a Baptism…it was wonderful – the sun rose from behind distant mountains….
Everyone enjoyed it…some from the beach…
Church at the Beach is a wonderful!
We all have a spiritual component and when you meet with God, something special happens.
Happy Easter!
God bless you loads!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
Gratitude…OH YEAH!! Good reminder…