The Last Hurrah


By the time the sun rose, we were already at the site to do the final floor’s electrics. It’s the last hurrah. The last time we’ll be up on the floor the day before a cement delivery rushing to ensure the conduits are all in place.  It always has to be the day before because the builders need to finish the rib and block and put the mesh on. Sunrise …

Mike and Courage sorting out the conduits…

I came home after a couple of hours and had a shower and breakfast before getting to work. I worked until about 2pm after which I left for my orthodontist appointment. I see him again in 6 weeks. Came home, did some more work and then at about 5pm, Mike and I went back to the site for Mike to put some conduits below what will be the door step of the ground floor. With the cement coming tomorrow, they are cementing that as well as a platform for the water tanks…

The day has ended with a lovely bit of rain…top floor electrics all done…

This time tomorrow, God willing, this floor will look very different. Cement is scheduled to arrive at 9am. Mike will go down but I’ll stay home to work and wait for my Take-a-lot delivery.

It’s also the last hurrah before the lock down commences tomorrow night. The only other place I really want to try to get to is the nursery to pick up bird seed balls and  bird mineral nectar.  I will surely run out during the next three weeks. The birds don’t know about the lock down!

Talking of which, it’s not the first time in history residents have been confined to home due to an epidemic…this is from the 1660s…when the plague was ripping through London…

And even earlier, Martin Luther  planning on some social distancing, wrote this…


We trust the Lord.

Matthew 11:28

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


1 year and 133 days

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