The Lamp is Up & On


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we got to turn on the lamp at the top of the stairs.

These things don’t just happen. The need to get designed, materials ordered & then constructed…all by Mike. The electrics need to be done for them as well. Today the whole thing got installed and tonight, as darkness falls, the solar for it will kick in and it will turn on for the duration of the night. Tomorrow, as the sun rises, it will turn off. For a very long time we have needed a light at the top of the stairs and now it is there!

You can also see beyond the light, even further up the stairs, a retaining rock wall is being built. I went up there to take a closer look. Courage and Brian have done a wonderful job but as Courage explained how high it was to go, I immediately thought, ‘we need to get our engineer in.’ So I called Paul Giloi and he and I had a chat. He will come up tomorrow to see.

At daybreak today we saw something we haven’t ever seen from our house before. We often see planes taking off across the bay. Today we saw a plane’s contrail for the first time. It was just a tiny one but it speaks to the cold air at that level. It’s hardly visible in the photo below, so I’ve put a red line under it.

Other events of the day, I kept on knitting. I’ve finished 2 strips.

Tonight I’ll start the 3rd.

Riana visited for afternoon tea. And Julian arrived. We walked to the end of the road, where the evening view was beautiful

David is absolutely exhausted today. We are hoping this is good news & the change for the better is coming.

And that is the day – the first day of June 2023.

Psalm 119:34

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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