Babies are adorable, regardless of their breed. Stacey sent me a voice note of Elsie babbling. It was too cute.
#952 of my 1000 thanks today is for the baby birds tweeting. No Twitter to be found. This is real live baby birds that go crazy when their parents take them to our bird-cage. We have put a cage around the seed ball holder so the starlings can’t get at it. The sun birds come and go all day long, but it has only been most recently that the tweets of young and hungry offspring have drifted across my bedroom to my study. I have tried to get a photo of the action. Mom feverishly pecking at the seed ball and rushing up to fill the mouth of the pleading infant. It all happens so fast that I have not yet been successful. The babies can fly but they seem to have not quite perfected the art of balancing in the cage, so if they do get in, they fall to the bottom and hang around there until they get out. Most times, they sit at the top and Mom flies from the seed ball to the them. In this picture, I don’t think it’s a baby sitting on top. I think that’s the Dad waiting his turn.
Regular fights take place on the nectar bottle, which always results in a fine flurry of feathers…
I love the birds. They bring me much joy.
I’ve done more than 6 hours work today which makes it a good work day.
Guess what? Remember the fax I had to send to the bank? It got declined because, they said, my signatures doesn’t match the original. All I need do is stop by my local Natwest and update my signature. I was outraged, so I phoned the bank in the UK. The helpful guy put me on hold and went to find out what happened. Turns out they send the application to my home branch which is responsible for the signature comparison. If that branch does not get back to the foreign exchange department within 24 hours, the application expires and the request is denied on the basis that the signature didn’t match. The home branch didn’t get back to them in time. So back to send another fax I went, but this time it didn’t go through, so I’ll have to try again tomorrow.
Matthew 5:7
God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
We all need mercy and there is a lot to be had.
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
Went for a 45 minute trot with Mike.
Day 1.