The Cloud & the Butterfly


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I passed under a ginormous cloud and saw a delicate butterfly. I had worked all day and it was time for my walk. The day  had been partly cloudy but when I left it was sunny enough for me to put on sun block and off I went. No sooner had I got to the top of Highway, there was an unexpectedly chilly breeze.  A massive cloud has obliterated the sun – its warmth was gone & it looked decidedly ominous & I wondered if I was going to get rained upon.

I walked beneath it all the way down to the shops, did my little bit of shopping and returned up the mountainside by the way of Daisy Lane. By then the cloud had moved north and the sun was out again. On the path, where I was about to step, I spotted a butterfly. Seldom do I get the chance to take a photo of one of those, so I whipped out my cell phone and quickly took a photo. Now you see it…

I leaned over to get a closer photo but it sensed me coming. Snap! It shut its wings. Nicely camouflaged.

And in a split second, it flew away. I was glad to have seen it. Today, I looked out my study window and saw a massive bird on one of the neighbouring rooves. It was big – the size of an Egyptian goose. I rushed to get my binoculars & called Mike to see. As I got to the lounge window, it rose into the sky and swept away over the houses. We couldn’t guess what kind of bird of prey it was. It could have been a falcon or a massive eagle. Whatever it was, it was quite a sight.

Also, I didn’t mention earlier this week that when we were in the West Coast National Park, we saw a majestic eland. It was big and not afraid of the traffic. It sauntered through the fields of flowers ignoring droves of gawking onlookers feverishly snapping their pics.

Today someone posted some photos on Facebook from Arderne Tredgold’s book “Bay between the mountains”. You can just see the cottage.

I found this online.

I walk past that tombstone often. Next time, I’ll have a closer look.

Psalm 56:3
When I am afraid I will trust in you.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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